Collective Worship
Our daily acts of collective worship / assemblies have a strong Christian element but we also celebrate achievements of individual children, recognise days of significance worldwide and share our learning with parents.
As part of our Collective Worship we follow closely events and celebrations from the Christian calendar. We approach this is through themes and dramatised Bible stories.
These assemblies are approximately 20 minutes in length and are slotted into our timetable of assemblies that all celebrate the achievements and uniqueness of every child. They also provide opportunities to reflect on their own experiences and learn about the world around them.
This approach to Collective Worship is just one of the ways in which the community provide the wonderful experiences that make our school a wonderful place for children to learn and grow as individuals.
If you would like to support one of the sessions then please contact the school office
Every half term one class takes an assembly, sharing the learning taken place in class as well presenting one of the Values through story, song and dance.
Parents and friends are also invited to join us for these assemblies.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship, but we ask that you read through our Collective Worship policy and join an assembly before making this decision.
Celebrating Our Links with the Church
At Piddle Valley CE First School we are proud of our church school status.
Our Collective Worship programme and Church Leader are currently under review. We will be making announcements about these very soon.
We believe that the Christian Values that underpin everything we do creates a supportive and encouraging learning environment in which everyone can shine and fulfil their potential.
Although we have Christian foundations, our school welcomes children of all faiths and non-faiths, recognising and celebrating the heritage that families bring to our school.